Monday, 29 June 2009

Creeksea Open Meeting

This weekend looks like being perfect for a Phantom Open at Creeksea - combine high mid-day tides, force 3 forecast, 80 degrees plus temperature, beer on tap and great company - it's looking pukka...

Diane has booked us in to The Ship in Burnham and a mini-bus or similar is being arranged to run happy campers back to Creeksea after "one or two" beers in town. The Ship has been picked - as I'm a big fan of their beef pudding - absolutely perfect Phantom fodder. It's an Adnams pub so the beer is first class as well. There are of course other pubs in Burnham etc. etc.

The entry is looking very good to provide the finest racing and this year we have upped the ante on the Race Officer - we have secured the services of Edwin Buckley from RCYC - who has kindly offered to officiate and use his boat to give us committee boat starts that can accomodate any wind direction or course requirement.

Sailors that I know will be attending include Neil Fulcher, Lawrence Crispin, Allan Burrell, Titch, James Case, James Jarvey, Simon Fielden, Denver Dave, Rod Thorpe, Marcus Ingram, John Torrance, Daren Pike, Clive Morley - Yes, he's back!! There are others that I hope are able to attend and I can only say that this is very definitely one not to miss.

The club fleet have been hard at work practising and I hope we will also see at least 6 classic Phantoms out. This is not just for "hot shots" and a warm welcome is always guaranteed to new sailors to the fleet.

If you haven't been you don't know what your missing - we may have limited facilities but you'll find a bit of Phantom heaven this weekend.

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