Sunday, 22 March 2009

Rollesby Broad - next event!!

Hurrah!! I'm free! Well nearly - no longer Commodore after three years at Creeksea. Still on the committee to make sure we stay a Phantom friendly club though.

One of the advantages of having been Commodore, Sailing Secretary cum Website person was that I could at least get our sailing calendar to sych with the Eastern Series. Clever eh?

So next weekend has us down for a spot of race training - which basically means reminding everyone where their boats are and which bits of string to pull (and making sure the rib engine works). I wonder if Simon and Titch spotted the tape recorder the other weekend?

The next weekend 4th April is a working party and of course 5th April is the second Tempera-tech event at Rollesby Broad.

If you haven't been before this is a good one day venue with nice cakes in the club. I can't say too much about the racing as at past events I seem to have suffered from a combination of rubbish boat speed (slot gasket excuse for last year) or masses of weed on foils (won't be using the fixed rudder again....). Still there's always this year to get it right I supppose.

My tipped runners for this year are definately Marcus - remember last years race win in the final race?- and Andy Gregory (he was frighteningly fast last year and the year before).

Old Pikey should also do well on his home water but he has suddenly gone all moody (is it a baby thing?).

One last thing - remember this is an open event with other craft to consider - please display good humour when a British Moth either hails you or tacks on top of you......

Daren should be putting a post up on the class website soon to stir things up. Might get more enteries if he put it on Facebook though!!


  1. Pikey is suffering from "oh why did we want another baby syndrome" which is tempering his boat speed.

    Rollesby looks like a corker and to spice things up we have the chutney challange making an appearance in the prize giving.

    First place this year however will receive a 3 month old baby! Not even Marcus can sell these on Ebay.

  2. gutted im not going to be there, but my yot will be there sailing.
