Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Fame...and prizes

Here it is then - The Eastern Series Trophy.

...and the proud winner last year JOHN WAYLING being presented with the trophy by Rod Thorpe "Rodders" of sponsors Tempera Tech.

Fame can of course go to your head and I am sure that the "stick" is going to be unending but have you seen Phanmail?? I wish someone else other than Val sent photos to George Morris!
I have taken it upon myself to ensure that you all get your own share of mugshots and glory as you will note from this post.....

"Denver" Dave Hawkins, James Jarvey and Clive Morley

The Dinghy show looms and the sooner we get that out of the way the sooner we can get on with the real action at Alton the next weekend.

Whilst on the subject of Alton - what was the race officer thinking of sending us around again? That was never going to happen and my heart sank as I nosed Mutley through the line but heard the race officer say "carry on - your not finished yet".

Doesn't he know who I am!!??!!! (humour, well almost, chaps).

Here is a shot that I should have circulated last year of the new Eastern Series Trophy and our winner with "the Eastern Circuit" team. Note how light John Wayling must be and how happy Dave looks with his new sail. Will you be in the photo this year???

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